No Longer On Fire Collection

No Longer on Fire

A story of healing trauma & nervous system crisis

A SourceDoodle Collection

Love Letters to the Body

I Love You





to the


In the inner sky

of the landscape

of my broken body

I Love You

A4 Art Prints

350gsm Colorplan Pristine White

card with white borders


Handsigned & Titled

Free UK Delivery


Sensitivity Soothed

Dear body, I love you,

You know the time I spent

Creating spaciousness

Making time for you

Trusting that you could heal

There were many moments I had forgotten to breathe

But you reminded me

In those deep spontaneous breaths

And when I learned

How a calm system felt

Even for a fleeting moment

I felt you

Willing me on

To embrace more

I Love You


the absurdity of grasping

Dear body, I Love You,

And so we held on to trauma

You and me

The safety of old patterns

The attachment to the devil we knew

A survival loop

A sanity within insanity

Do you remember when we let go?

Interrupting the pattern

We were brave

We took a risk because we were ready

Because gripping was more painful

And now we look back fondly

With understanding

I Love You

hidden in the frayed edges

Dear body, I Love You.

Even in your oh so broken state

A system that twitches and shakes and picks at itself

A system that is startled and numb and alone

But hidden, my darling girl, behind the brokenness

Is the beauty of a soul

Peeping out

And retreating back

Always there

The light that shines even if the outside is ragged

I Love You

show me my story

Dear body, I Love You,

In this half life of stored senses & hidden details

I thankyou so deeply

For being the guardian of the unspoken

For scattering the unheard

For waiting for me to be ready

For a nervous system that has supported me in the not knowing until the knowing was safe

I found the will to listen

And you told me who I am

I Love You

the grace of compassion

Dear body, I Love You,

For speaking this permission prayer through me

I feel the warmth dissolving the parts that have battled and argued in so many ways

Questioning my worthiness to heal & thrive

Thankyou for the sweet understandings that I am allowed to be here

Simply because I exist

I am free to love my existence

I am free to do so without guilt or shame

I Love You

synaptic galaxies

Dear body, I Love You,

Oh how you dance and twirl with this girl of the cosmos

And her inner world that mirrors the magic of the Universe

Oh how you have held her

How you have drawn upon the mysteries of the brain

The dance of the neurons

The depth of the amygdala

The delight of the knowing

That we are stars

In a body

Celebrated by light

In our eternal conversation with source

I Love You

face gently into the winds of time

Dear body, I Love You,

You have embraced the past, present & future truths with a beautiful curiosity

Collapsing a linear narrative of regret and rage

And thus you found a stillpoint

Amidst the chaos of change

I am here, I am present, I am peace, I am flow

I am able to weather the storms of my existence with ease

I Love You


breaking new ground

Dear body, I Love You,

And so here we are with a message of hope and courage

As I step further into permissions to heal, beyond my horizons

The ones I didn't know existed for me

Opening up new perspectives

Baby steps, titrated and discerned

I embolden, I empower myself

I move with grace and witness the gentle ripple of change

All the barriers of my mind dissolve into nothingness and I am reborn

Forever changed, forever grateful, forever evolving

I Love You 


Dear body, I Love You,

Who knew there would be moments where I was at ease in my skin?

Where I used to fly beyond body as I left myself for safety elsewhere in the ether

I now fly for myself with feet rooted

A central core of safety in a body untrapped by freeze

A newness of being, lifted by hope, release and understanding

An acceptance of my story

I am free to be the whole of me

Unbound by the borders of a broken body

Tend to the body my darlings

It is only a cage if left unheard

I Love You

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